La ceramica nel sistema delle arti a Vienna nella stagione del finis Austriae: la Kunstgewerbeschule e il Wiener Werkstätte, Francesca Pirozzi

17 Marzo 2021

Viennese culture in the early decades of the twentieth century is founded on equality and integration of architecture and decorative and fine arts. The School of Arts and Crafts plays a fundamental role in artistic education and many artists of the secession movement contribute, as teachers, to the continuous updating of education according to the modern aesthetic trends. Working in close contact with the School, the Wiener Werkstätte
links the intellectual act of design with the manual act of physical creation in order to product objects of high artistic quality. In this context ceramics occupy a key position and great artists, such as Koloman Moser, Michael Powolny and Vally Wieselthier, spend a great deal of their creative energies in ceramics design, developing different styles having common roots in the Viennese secession movement.

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