17 Marzo 2021

In the period 1944-1957, Leoncillo dedicated himself to an intense decorative activity that was put in relation with the properly sculptural production. Small exegesis fueled by contemporary chronicles where the artist moves in the realm of craftsmen. The exhibition at the La Palma Gallery 1946, sponsored by Enrico Galassi, is commemorated, which triggers a debate between intellectuals and artists on applied arts. Leoncillo chooses a high and refined level in the applied arts towards an extension of the function to a public not only of bourgeois. An article on “Domus” for the exhibition in New York “The first exhibition at the Italian House of Crafts” with an examination of the Italian artistic craftsmanship (1946-1950) of 1948 is developed in the United States of America art-craft question (pure art and applied art). There are also reflections by Leoncillo of 1949 on the arts to be thought in architectural function to ask us about the value of the term “functional” used by the artist, and the relationship between modern architecture and sculpture. Examination on the panels for rooms from “Domus” 1949 (Sabaudia, Fano church of San Silvestro). Notes on sacred art, Fano altar and Church of Corte di Cerro.

Archivio Abstracts